Friday, May 9, 2008

For Sleep to Linger

~For Sleep to Linger~
by Tommy LoMaglio

Hold on tight, Don't let it fade
Though you hear them call your name
A few more stolen moments
and you'll be set to face the day

Drifting out, oh, so far
Lighter, Higher now you are
Hide your eyes a moment longer
try and keep them locked away

Further now you have strayed
Never have you ever stayed
But now you know they call you
to rouse you from this peaceful state

Warm and safe, such tenderness
Don't steal me from this state of bliss
It is no use, now it's done
Beckoned forth, alas the sun

My dreams must wait for now
Yet somehow...
... they've just begun...

1 comment:

DellowMan said...

Some days you dont want to face the day... Sleep feels good. In the morning you want to hold on to the dream cause its seems easier than your life. But its jsut a dream... You have to face your life eventually. Its just the order of things.