Tuesday, November 6, 2007


by Tommy LoMaglio

I hear your song
I hear you sing
Is there something wrong
Tell me anything
You dont have to speak
I know that you won't
Your tears say it all
So just cry me a note
That drop on my cheek
Rolls off me with ease
Your whisper, so soft
Like a gentle breeze
I'm so sorry, my friend
I can't show you I care
To lend you a hand
Or to always be there
All I can do
And the most that I can
Is hear your sweet song
And catch your tears in my hand

1 comment:

DellowMan said...

This song is simply what the title implies. Its about rain. To me rain is comforting even though represents saddness to me... tears from the sky. I did what most poets do when they wright about nature: personify it.